07790 682 533 jean@jmrconsult.co.uk


You may have implemented a really successful project in school, but what can go wrong in the write-up?

  1. Not reading the title of the task: if it says a project to reduce variation in pupil progress and attainment, this is an essential part of the task.
  2. Including reams of data about individuals, groups or your school without any supporting commentary. What does your data mean?
  3. Addressing the question title but not considering what you need to include to get full marks n.b. read the DfE mark scheme.
  4. Referring to other evidence that is not included, for example, what someone has said, minutes of meetings and weblinks, or presenting evidence that raises other issues ….
  5. Devising your own format, considering this is better than the one recommended by your provider. This often this means that you ‘miss’ key information or there is an imbalance of focus across the submission.
  6. Considering your submission as creative writing, providing one long conscious stream of what you did rather than address the criteria.
  7. Forget that you are submitting a master’s level of work with expectations of including research, analysis and evaluation.

Good luck