07790 682 533 jean@jmrconsult.co.uk



Empowering business managers with the right skills to make a difference to outcomes

Empowering business managers with the right skills to make a difference to outcomes

Management training 

  • Key management skills courses including: running effective meetings, how to have successful challenging conversations, how to plan training, how to delegate effectively, how to manage your time effectively, building greater resilience and improving your emotional intelligence
  • Managing your team to encourage ‘buy-in’ to the business
  • Coaching training for managers or across the whole business to create a coaching culture
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment and workshops to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and how you interact with others
  • Bespoke management training tailored to suit you


  • Coaching provides leaders with the chance to explore their leadership and areas of concern in a safe space
  • Individual coaching: JMR asks challenging questions to promote high quality reflection, enabling leaders to develop greater resilience and emotional intelligence, to transform their leadership and improve outcomes
  • Team coaching: JMR provides guidance and challenges to enable teams to reflect on their practice, leading to changes in behaviour and improved ways of working together to enhance team performance